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Argentinians repudiate actions against Cubana de Aviación

Buenos Aires, May 3 (Prensa Latina) The Argentine-Cuba Solidarity Movement, the Club of Journalists Friends of Cuba and the Group of Graduates from Cuba on Friday condemned the enforcement of the United States blockade against Cubana de Aviación.

In a recent statement, the Cuban Foreign Ministry noted that in March 2024, the Argentine company Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales S.A. (YPF) informed the Cuban airline about its refusal to continue supplying fuel to its aircraft, in correspondence with Washington’s economic, commercial and financial blockade.

As a result, Cubana de Aviación was forced to suspend its regular flights between Cuba and Argentina, in operation for 39 years.

In a joint statement, the organizations that promote solidarity with Cuba in Argentina described YPF’s decision as inexplicable and rejected that attitude.

We demand that this genuflecting measure be reversed, because it violates domestic laws such as 24,871, which declares that foreign regulations that generate extraterritorial effects through the imposition of an economic blockade, the limitation of investments or the restriction on the circulation of people, goods, services or capital are inapplicable.

Argentina has been sovereign since 1816 and accepting that foreign legislation is applied in our territory implies an act of submission that has a recognized qualification in our Constitution: that of traitor to the homeland, the text pointed out.

Enforcing sanctions against Cuba on the basis of US regulations for reasons that do not represent the interests of Argentina, Latin America and the world, and that were repudiated 31 times at the United Nations General Assembly, only means handing over our sovereignty to a foreign power that qualifies as his “backyard,” the organizations noted.

On the other hand, it highlighted the historic relations of collaboration in all areas between Argentina and Cuba.

This infamous decision only puts this government in the place of a simple lackey of the empire, the text asserted when referring to the Javier Milei administration.

Furthermore, it warned that the actions against the airline “cannot be separated from the arrival in Argentina this year of several US officials, including some directly related to Miami-based anti-Cuba terrorist organizations, like Senator Marco Rubio.”

A better world is possible, in peace and with collaboration among peoples. That is why, we repudiate YPF’s decision to deny fuel to Cubana de Aviación and demand that the highest national authorities immediately reverse this situation, the statement concluded.
