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Slovakia insists on seeking a negotiated solution to the conflict

Bratislava, May 2 (Prensa Latina) Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico today called on the European Union (EU) to seek a negotiated solution to the conflict in Ukraine, although the leadership of that bloc remains committed to the rearmament of the former Soviet republic.

The EU is so far unable to present or elaborate a peace initiative. Peace should be at the forefront of European affairs, since this organization was created as a peaceful project, Fico commented while speaking at a conference in this capital.

At the event to commemorate the 20th anniversary of Slovakia’s accession to the EU, the head of government criticized the current position of this regional organization, given its lack of activity to promote talks and seek a quick solution to the confrontation.

Slovakia supports plans for Ukraine’s accession to the EU. Kiev must fulfill conditions required of the aspiring states, but the states of the Balkan region can join the bloc much earlier than the ex-Soviet republic, he said.

Fico considered that the members of the community entity more inclined to continue the conflict and the rearmament of Ukraine are those who are in favor of the accession of that country, but very slowly, contrary to others who oppose the war and support an acceleration of that process.
