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Türkiye reaffirms its support for Palestinian cause

Ankara, Apr 30 (Prensa Latina) Türkiye reaffirmed its commitment to the Palestinian cause amid Israel's aggression against the civilian population in the Gaza Strip, Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan said on Tuesday.

Ankara will continue its strenuous efforts to bring those responsible for the deaths of over 34,000 civilians in Gaza to justice, stated Fidan, who was quoted by local television.

With their persistence to disregard international law and human values totaly, Israeli officials have already been condemned by the conscience and the global community, the head of Turkish diplomacy pointed out.

We look forward to the day when the perpetrators of the massacres will be brought to justice, he noted.

In addition, Fidan lashed out at a social media post by the Israeli Foreign Ministry criticizing President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, noting that the mask used by Israeli politicians to manipulate Turkish leaders has finally fallen, he said.

Tel Aviv faced a complaint from South Africa at the International Criminal Court, which called on Israeli authorities to prevent actions that could be categorized as genocide. According to Palestinian sources, since October 7, Israel’s forces have perpetrated over 3,000 massacres in Gaza, where at least two mass graves were found with more than 300 bodies each and many of the corpses had been mutilated by torture.

Erdogan has repeatedly called for an end to hostilities in the coastal strip of just 2.3 million inhabitants, who are concentrated in just over 360 square kilometers.

Israel and Türkiye established diplomatic relations in June 2016, as part of Tel Aviv’s strategy to repair its deteriorating relations with Middle Eastern countries, according to media reports.
