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Hundreds protest in Niger calling for departure of US troops

Niamey, Apr 14 (Prensa Latina) Opposition to the stay of US troops in Niger is growing today in this Central African country, where hundreds of protesters have taken to the streets of Niger´s capital to call for the departure of US troops.

The demonstrations, with hand-written signs such as “United States Army: you leave, disappear, without bonuses or negotiations,” occurred after the transitional military government further shifted its strategy by ending a military accord with the US and welcoming Russian military instructors.

At the time, Colonel Amadou Abdramane, spokesman for the Nigerien military junta, cleared up that the decision to cut military agreements with the United States came after an unexpected visit by senior representatives of the North American Defense to this country.

Apparently, the aforementioned visit to Niger did not comply with conventional diplomatic protocols, since everything indicates that they did not report either their arrival or their itinerary within this Sahel nation. The agreement allowed, among other things, the presence of more than a thousand US soldiers and two own bases in Niger territory.

One of the Pentagon facilities is located in this capital, that is, the 101st air base and the 201st airbase, located just five kilometers from Agadez, the fifth largest city in the country, reveals the Russia television channel.

Today, cited by the local press. Air Base 201 is considered the second largest in the northern country in African territory, only behind the permanent US base in Djibouti, intended for control of the strategic Bab el Mandeb Strait, in the Red Sea.

From the aforementioned facility, specialized in unmanned aircraft, the Pentagon monitors the entire Sahel region and serves for its incursions into the Sahara Desert.

At the time, Niger also demanded the departure of French troops, established there under the pretext of fighting terrorist formations that still operate in the region.

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