Hurtado and Espada benefited the former minister of the “de facto” government (2019-2020) Branko Marinkovic, with the possession of more than 33 thousand hectares of disputed land from the 1990s.
“(…) We have analyzed both sentences, and it is a juridical aberration what these gentlemen have done, we are going to evaluate the possibility of initiating a process against them for prevarication”, the Vice-Minister of Lands, Ramiro Guerrero, assured in a press conference.
Together with Guerrero, the Minister of Rural Development, Santos Condori, and the director of the National Institute of Agrarian Reform (INRA), Eulogio Núñez, appeared before the journalists and agreed in their rejection of the ruling.
The decision issued on December 28, 2023 overturns another resolution issued by the Fourth Constitutional Court of Santa Cruz, which denied the Marinkovic family the right to these lands.