Wednesday, September 18, 2024
name of Prensa Latina
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Argentine Workers denounce presence of police in meetings

Buenos Aires, Apr 9 (Prensa Latina) The chapter of the State Workers Association of Argentina (ATE), in this capital, will denounce the presence of the police in the employee assemblies.

The organization stated on X that it will present, together with other unions and human rights groups, a criminal appeal against sending police to the meetings to monitor them. To this end, a press conference will take place at 09:00 local time.

During the last few weeks, ATE and its chapters in several provinces carried out strikes, mobilizations, and assemblies complaining against the dismissals of around 15 thousand persons from the national public administration.

Under the motto “Without workers there is no State, without the State there are no rights”, the members of the organization demanded the immediate reinstatement of the dismissed, the ending of this type of measures, the regularization of all contractual ties, permanent hiring for all employees, a salary increase that makes it possible to deal with high inflation, the end of adjustment policies and the privatization of public companies.

The association also requires the continuity of the Sustainability Guarantee Fund, fair retirements, the cancellation of the anti-protest protocol and acts of intimidation, as well as the repeal of the decree of necessity and urgency 70/23 which eliminates or reforms more than 300 laws.

During the demonstrations, the Argentine Police prevented access to organizations and ministries and attacked the participants in a rally in front of the Ministry of Economy, which was denounced and described as antidemocratic.
