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Glas lawyer denounces violation of rights in Ecuador

Quito, April 8 (Prensa Latina) Lawyer Sonia Vera, from the international defense team of former Ecuadorian vice president Jorge Glas, denounced today that the politician has not communicated with his legal representatives for more than 48 hours after his arrest at the Mexican embassy. in Quito.

“Urgent: The lack of communication with Jorge Glas at the ‘La Roca’ Detention Center for more than 48 hours violates his fundamental rights and puts his safety at risk. We demand immediate access and transparency,” Vera wrote in the X platform.

In her publication, she attached an image of a letter addressed to the management of the La Roca maximum security prison, located on the outskirts of the city of Guayaquil and where Glas was taken this Saturday.

The document demands the immediate restitution of communication channels with Glas with unrestricted access to his legal team, divided into national and international representatives.

This demand is firmly based on the legal and humanitarian obligations stipulated by both Ecuadorian law and international human rights treaties that the country has ratified, the letter indicates.

They also request access by independent observers to personally verify the conditions of the former vice president, a medical examination by someone designated by the family, and ask for total transparency in the handling of this case.

The seriousness of Glas’ situation in the penitentiary center is intensified by the recent unauthorized exhibition of personal photographs within the facility, notes the text signed by Vera.

The former official was detained on the night of Friday, April 5, after an invasion by the National Police of the Mexican embassy in Quito, where he was waiting for safe passage after having received a positive response to his asylum request. .

After the assault, considered a violation of international standards and the Vienna Convention, Mexico announced the severing of diplomatic relations with Ecuador.

The invasion of the Mexican diplomatic headquarters aroused condemnation from the international community, however, the Ecuadorian Government insisted on justifying its actions and its foreign minister, Gabriela Sommerfeld, alleged that there was a risk of escape for Glas, whom Mexico considers politically persecuted and That’s why he granted him asylum.

After spending five years in prison, the former vice president temporarily received the benefit of pre-release on November 28, 2022, after the unification of two prison sentences of six and eight years for the Odebrecht and Bribery cases; However, the measure was revoked at the end of 2023.

Faced with this new attack, Glas sought refuge last December in the Mexican embassy and requested asylum.

At the beginning of this year, the justice system ordered the capture of the former official for alleged embezzlement in another case, called Reconstruction of Manabí, which investigates alleged embezzlement in public works as a result of the 2016 earthquake.
