Sunday, September 15, 2024
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President of Brazil to announce vital water works

Brasilia, Apr 5 (Prensa Latina) The Brazilian president, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, will carry out a work agenda in the state of Ceará (in the northeast of the country), where he will sign the service order for the Ramal de Salgado water works, which will connect regions historically lacking water resources.

The water works, whose projected length is 36 kilometers, will connect the Cascada de los Indios, in the state of Paraíba (northeast of the country), with Lavras de Mangabeira, in Ceará, where the Salgado River flows.

In addition to linking states, the Ramal de Salgado water works will bring a series of benefits to the inhabitants. It is estimated that approximately five million people will directly benefit from the water security provided by the project; the relief is of utmost importance in a region often affected by periods of drought.

Official sources indicated that by reducing the route by nearly 100 km compared to the diversion in Jati, the adduction of water to the Castanhão reservoir will bring speed and efficiency in the transfer of water flow, which will not only benefit the Metropolitan Region of Fortaleza (capital of Ceará), the largest urban center to be serviced by the Transposition Project, but will also allow supplying medium-sized cities such as Lavras da Mangabeira, Aurora, Cedro, Icó and other municipal capitals in the center-south of the state of Ceará.

The Planalto Palace assures that the start of construction of these works “represents a more significant step in the search for sustainable water solutions as part of the Government’s commitment to guarantee access to water for all Brazilians, especially in the most affected regions due to water scarcity”.
