Saturday, September 07, 2024
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UN Rapporteur urged the world to stop arms sales to Israel

Ramallah, Mar 20 (Prensa Latina) The UN special rapporteur on human rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, Francesca Albanese, denounced the aggression suffered by the Gaza Strip and demanded an embargo of arms against Israel.

Helping the tormented Palestinian people in Gaza means blocking the export of weapons to Israel, the official wrote on X.

She stressed that the Genocide Convention imposes the obligation to prevent this crime.

“An urgent end of ALL arms transfers (managed by the State or privately) to territories at risk is necessary,” she stressed.

That is the only way to stop the genocide in that Palestinian territory, she stated. Albanese also criticized the decades-long proliferation of Jewish colonies in the occupied West Bank.

“Israel has been building illegal settlements for 56 years: 300 of them now in the West Bank and East Jerusalem alone, and they continue to grow,” she stressed.
