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Syria rejects hostile policy from US and three European countries

Damascus, Mar 18 (Prensa Latina) The Syrian Government on Monday described as a destruction the approach from the United States, the United Kingdom, France, and Germany to the war that this nation has been facing since 2011.

Washington, London, Paris, and Berlin have maintained, for 13 years, a hostile policy and have used all kinds of war tools against Syria, the Foreign Ministry denounced in a statement.

It regarded that the statement issued on March 15 by the governments of those four countries repeats the same false accusations that they have been spreading through their propaganda machine to distort the Syrian State’s image.

They also intend to divert the world’s attention from their severe violations of the Syrian peoples’ rights, especially the right to life and development, the text stated.

It described as moral decadence and hypocrisy the claim that these governments seek to end the Syrian people’s suffering as they continue to impose illegal coercive measures with disastrous effects on the Syrian people.

The Ministry, in turn, denounced Washington-supported Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) separatist militia and rejected the looting of Syrias’ national wealth, especially oil and wheat, by the United States forces.
