Through its profile on X, the UTEP specified that it will be supported by other social and union organizations, and stated that the action is part of the deepening of a plan to reject the Executive’s measures and make their consequences visible to employees and vulnerable sectors.
Among the groups that will participate are the Workers’ Central (CTA), the CTA-Autónoma, Libres del Sur, the Rebel Argentina Movement, the Darío Santillán Popular Front, the Coordinator for Social Change, the Tupac Amaru and the State Workers Association in the capital.
The main protests will take place in the capital, the province of Buenos Aires, in Chubut, Córdoba, Corrientes, Entre Ríos, Jujuy, Mendoza, Neuquén, and other provinces.
“The attacks against and adjustments to the workers who have the least happen without any type of dialogue. We tried all possible channels to be able to provide a solution to these issues and there is no longer any room. Hunger has a limit,” says a recent statement from the UTEP, which stated that “for months, there has been food shortages – by order of the Minister of Human Capital Sandra Pettovello – in the thousands of dining rooms in popular neighborhoods throughout the country, where socio-community workers juggle to sustain the pots that feed millions of families who are suffering.”
The UTEP also condemned the elimination of the National Program for Socio-productive Inclusion and Local Development Enhanced Work, which had the objective of contributing to improving employment, promoting projects, promoting education, and the full inclusion of people who are in vulnerable situations.