Saturday, September 07, 2024
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Diaz-Canel Reiterates Cuba´s Solidarity with Haiti

Havana, Mar 15 (Prensa Latina) Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel reaffirmed today his country's solidarity with the Haitian people, in view of the multidimensional crisis that this Caribbean nation is going through.

On his social network X, the head of state shared the statement issued by the Cuban Foreign Ministry (Minrex), which stresses the right of Haitians to find a peaceful and lasting solution to the challenges they face, based on full respect for their self-determination, sovereignty and independence.

The text emphasized that the international community has a great debt with Haiti, a Caribbean nation that was protagonist of the first independence, anti-slavery and social revolution of the continent, ‘which has suffered the cruel and selfish reprisals of the imperialist powers for more than two centuries’.

It specified that the Cuban government maintains a fluid communication and permanent attention to the 53 health collaborators who remain in the south of Haiti, where the situation is calmer, as well as to the other 7 who, together with the Cuban embassy staff, are well and have taken the necessary measures for their safety and protection.

The statement detailed that through the Cuban diplomatic mission in Port-au-Prince and from the Minrex, communication has also been maintained with the Cubans living in Haiti or in transit and their families, and constant monitoring of their situation is being carried out.

He stressed that Haiti needs real and sufficient assistance and cooperation for its reconstruction and progress, without interference from abroad, which has been the cause of its problems.
