Monday, September 16, 2024
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Education workers demand better salaries in Argentina

Buenos Aires, Mar 7 (Prensa Latina) The Educational Workers Confederation of Argentina (CTERA in Spanish) will hold a national protest this Thursday against the Government's adjustment and for better wages.

According to that organization, the main event will be held outside the Congress at 10:00 hours, local time. Representatives from all provinces and sectors affected by the policies of the Executive, led by Javier Milei, will participate.

The lawmakers who have submitted bills to finance public education are also invited.

CTERA demands the implementation of a national parity (negotiation between employers and workers) and an urgent salary increase.

Protesters also demand the payment of the Teacher Incentive Fund, allocations for school canteens, and national education programs, besides denouncing the situation of pensioners.

After taking office in December 2023, Javier Milei, leader of La Libertad Avanza (Liberty Advances-LLA) party, implemented an adjustment plan that included a 118 percent devaluation of the peso, severe cuts, and the elimination of subsidies and public works, among other measures that worsened the situation of the laborers.
