Saturday, September 07, 2024
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Syrian president criticizes US blockade policy

Damascus, Mar 4 (Prensa Latina) President Bashar al-Assad condemned on Monday the US policy of sanctions and blockade against several countries globally and asserted that its long-term results will come back to haunt its authors.

“The siege imposed on Cuba has been going on for more than 60 years, and later, it started against Syria and Iran in 1979, and then sanctions were imposed on North Korea, Russia, and China, and the question is, What was the result?” Al-Assad said in an interview with Russian reporters published in this capital this Monday.

The president believes that if the West continues with this policy, it will end up being blocked, as countries began to look for ways to deal with each other, and the dollar started to lose value and weight.

The Western blockade of other countries undermines and weakens the dollar and benefits our interests in the long term, he said.

On the other hand, the president revealed that Damascus has been trying to establish good relations with the West for 50 years.

Al-Assad explained that when you adhere to your principles and national interests, you may pay a price and suffer, and you may lose in the short term, but you will win in the long term.
