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Workers of Argentine aeronautical sector go on strike

Buenos Aires, Feb 28 (Prensa Latina) Workers of the Argentine aeronautical sector went on a 24-hour strike demanding a salary adjustment following the current economic situation.

The associations of Aeronautical Personnel and Airline Pilots, as well as the Union of Senior and Professional Personnel of Aero commercial Companies, confirmed their participation in the protest, which was convened to denounce the “meager offer of the Ministry of Labor.”

“We were presented with a proposal for a 12-percent increase for March salaries (to be paid in the first days of April),” says a statement from these groups, which adds that the offered guideline only deepens the loss of purchasing power registered in the current period, which leads to a mismatch unsustainable salary of 70 percent concerning inflation.

The strike led the company Aerolíneas Argentinas to cancel 331 flights scheduled for Wednesday, which will affect 24 thousand passengers. In addition, the company reported that 10 thousand travelers made voluntary changes in recent days.

Some weeks ago, the La Fraternidad Union, which brings together train drivers, the Association of State Workers, and the Argentine Education Confederation, held rallies and strikes over their disagreement with the measures promoted by Javier Milei’s Government and demanded salary improvements.

According to the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses, the general level of the Consumer Price Index increased 20.6 percent in January, while the interannual growth was 254.2.

A strong adjustment, the elimination of subsidies, a 118 percent devaluation of the Argentine peso concerning the dollar, and the end of resource transfers to the provinces and other Government provisions, led to significant increases in public transportation costs, food, electricity, medicines, and school supplies, among other items.
