Saturday, September 07, 2024
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Syrian president highlights multidimensional relations with Russia

Damascus, Feb 28 (Prensa Latina) President Bashar al-Assad stated on Wednesday that the relations between Syria and Russia are not limited to the political, economic, and military dimensions; they also reach popular and social magnitudes.

During his meeting with the participants of the joint Syrian-Russian youth camp, held in Syria, Al-Assad said that the young generation will create a new perspective and content for bilateral relations in the future.

The president noted that the two nations defend their dignity and principles and face the same enemies, the same misrepresentations, and the same lies.

Neo-Nazis in Ukraine are attacking civilians, and Russia is being accused. What is happening in Syria is equal, Al-Assad affirmed.

He pointed out that if President Vladimir Putin had not decided to fight terrorism in Syria, the number of radicals might have increased in Russia.

Some people asked, Why did Putin send fighter jets to Syria? He answered that, above all, Putin protected Russia and its people.

According to the Syrian head of State, the West harbors no hostility toward Russia over Ukraine or because it was a communist country, but because Russia is turning from a weak state into a strong nation, and the West does not accept strong countries.
