Saturday, September 07, 2024
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Legal actions initiated against the Argentine Government

Buenos Aires, Feb 26 (Prensa Latina) The governor of the Argentine province of Buenos Aires, Axel Kicillof, announced today the initiation of legal actions against the Government of Javier Milei for the elimination of the Fiscal Strengthening Fund and other resources.

We have already exhausted the administrative and dialogue instances. We instruct the State Attorney to go to the Supreme Court and provisionally restore what was taken from us, Kicillof stated in a press conference attended by legislators and political, union and social leaders.

In addition, he announced that a meeting of governors will take place tomorrow to define a joint response to the President’s measures.

The Fund was created in 2020 during the administration of Alberto Fernández to reduce inequalities between the Buenos Aires territory and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires.

During his intervention, Kicillof assured that the Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU) 70/2023, signed by Milei in December (which modifies or repeals more than 300 laws) and other provisions of the president affect the entire Argentinean people.

He seems to be looking for a kind of disintegration so that each of us can take unilateral measures in the face of unjust and illegal actions. National integrity and the Constitution are at stake, he noted.

We are facing an event of such gravity that we receive support from all political forces. The President sets up a State that abandons its obligations. Not only does it subjugate the people, but it steals resources from the provinces, he added.

Furthermore, he said that the DNU and other decrees cannot remain in force.

We will not give up in defending the interests and rights of our people. We will take all the necessary measures and paths so that the province does not suffer another attack from this Government, he indicated.

Kicillof stated that Milei’s provisions take place after a package of laws sent by him to Congress was rejected, which included the delegation of legislative powers to the Executive and the declaration of a period of emergency.

He said he was going to melt down the provinces and leave them penniless. From that moment on, he began verbal violence that does not end through social networks against governors, deputies and anyone who does not agree with him, he noted.

He removed the money allocated to teachers and public transportation, which caused a disproportionate and unstoppable increase in it. Then he attacked Chubut and now he attacked us, he commented.

He recalled that the fund withdrawn today was used for security, education, health and food in the province of Buenos Aires.

There is a brutal adjustment that is not against caste or politics, but against the people. Our sovereignty is at stake, he asserted.
