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Cuban youth to defend multipolarity in Russia

Havana, Feb 26 (Prensa Latina) Cuba's Communist Party (PCC) Organization Secretary Roberto Morales Ojeda said on Monday that Cuban youth will take to the World Youth Festival in Russia the unalterable decision to defend multipolarity.

During the official flag handing over ceremony of the Cuban delegation at Havana’s Revolution Square, Morales Ojeda stressed that more than 100 outstanding young people from different social sectors, including agriculture, health, science, education, culture, and sports, among other spheres, will represent Cuba.

The political leader emphasized that the young people will be accompanied by the unshakable decision of the Cuban people to promote peace, solidarity, and the defense of the just causes of humanity.

The festival will also be an opportunity to denounce Cuba’s inclusion in the State Sponsors of Terrorism List and the media and subversive war being waged against Cuba with federal funds from the United States.

Morales Ojeda emphasized that the meeting aims to promote the unity of the progressive youth of the world as a fundamental actor in the transformation of the current unjust and unequal international order and fundamental in building a fairer, democratic, and equitable world.

The Youth Festival, considered by the organizers as the most important of its kind in the world, will take place in the federal territory of Sirius, in Sochi, from March 1 to 7.

The Cuban delegation will have the opportunity to exchange and share with about 20,000 young people from more than 180 countries of the Americas, the Middle East, Africa, Eurasia, Asia and Oceania, and Europe, Mirtha Julia Brossard, head of the International Relations Department at the Cuban Young Communist League (UJC), stated during the event.

Brossard stressed that Cuban youth participates with the commitment to be a firm and energetic voice in favor of the Palestinian cause and ratify the principles of the Revolution, along with the will of resistance and the creative capacity of the Cuban people.

Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez and UJC First Secretary Aylín Álvarez, among other leaders of the PCC, the government, and political organizations, presided the flag handing-over ceremony before the monument to Cuban National Hero José Martí.
