Sunday, September 22, 2024
name of Prensa Latina
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Accident at Cuban port results in three deaths

Santiago de Cuba, Feb 22 (Prensa Latina) Three workers at the Guillermon Moncada port in this city died from asphyxiation after being exposed to breathing a toxic gas while they were unloading a ship laden with rice, local media reported on Thursday.

According to the General Director of the “Servicios Portuarios del Oriente” company, Jose Alvarez, and preliminary information, the workers entered on Wednesday a sealed and fumigated warehouse, not intended for unloading in this eastern Cuban city.

Raiko Calzado Kindelan, Yosbani Paaterson Duany and Roibel Bejerano Hernandez arrived lifeless at the Dr. Joaquin Castillo Duany Military Hospital, despite quick actions by their colleagues and rescue teams, said the source, noting that top provincial authorities have instructed to provide attention to the relatives of the deceased.

Specialists from the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of the Interior and other institutions are working to determine the causes of the accident.
