This compilation, with a prologue by academic Luisa Campuzano, will be shown in room A-4 of La Cabaña, and is essential to fully understand the thought of Retamar (1930-2019), an outstanding poet, essayist and cultural promoter who was awarded the National Literature Prize in 1989 among many other national and international recognitions.
On the content and intention of the essays it gathers, the compilation is divided into two blocks: the first one introduced by the that which gives title to the book, “Alternatives of Ariel”, and closed by “At the end of the Colloquium on Cuban Literature 1959-1981”.
This book summarizes some of Retamar’s dearest interests: José Martí’s legacy; Cuba and our America from its great challenges and intellectual figures; the University and Casa de las Americas, and his family and personal affections.
The 32nd International Book Fair, a great showcase for classic and contemporary texts, authors, projects and literary genres, negotiations and other initiatives in the Cuban and foreign publishing field, will be held in the Cuban capital until February 25.
Representatives from more than 45 nations are participating in this edition and Brazil is the guest of honor.