Sunday, September 22, 2024
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Cuba’s industrial city strengthens manufacturing infrastructure

Camagüey, Cuba, Feb 19 (Prensa Latina) The productive projections in one of Cuba's major industrial cities are becoming palpable at the October Revolution Chemical Company in Nuevitas.

The town, of notable importance in Camagüey’s economic aspirations, was visited in January by President Miguel Díaz-Canel, who noted the need to improve the region’s manufacturing infrastructure as a reference in Cuba.

Such a budget becomes a reality when the company and its group “work to recover 200,000 tons of the plant’s productive capacity,” according to a report on the website of Radio Cadena Agramonte.

The publication added that “a three-step strategy became necessary due to the years of exploitation of the plant, which was inaugurated in 1975, the scarcity of raw materials, and the need to rescue the facility for the country’s agricultural development and the possibility for export.”

Company executives indicated that the “purchase and assembly of dynamic and static equipment will allow achieving the 60,000-ton mark in the shortest term and sales in the international market, with around 400 tons to the Dominican Republic in 2024.”

Located on the northern coast of Camagüey, Nuevitas has the largest manufacturing infrastructure in the region, in the vicinity of a key bay for commerce. For this reason, the work in other spaces such as the concrete process at the 26 de Julio Cement Factory, is transcendental for the productive capacity and the development of the market itself.

Nuevitas has a notable capacity for the region’s socioeconomic development, as well as environmental, and includes an extensive project for the protection of its bay, headed by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment.

In recent years, the government and the research community have also made emphasis on the coastal town, including the Strengthening Climate Resilient Health Systems international project, which evaluates the incidence of air pollution.
