Sunday, September 22, 2024
name of Prensa Latina
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name of Prensa Latina



Cuba present in Baní, the land of Dominican Máximo Gómez

Baní, Dominican Republic, February 14 (Prensa Latina) Three thousand 180 students have graduated from the Máximo Gómez Polytechnic since its foundation on this day, 24 years ago, in Baní, capital of the Dominican province of Peravia, fruit of the Cuban solidarity gesture.

The idea of the historical leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro, to build this educational center occurred during his visit to the Dominican Republic in 1998, specifically when he traveled to Baní, birthplace of Generalissimo Máximo Gómez, who fought in the different stages of the Cuban War of Independence.

The 473 students who make up the polytechnic’s enrollment, along with their teachers and directors, celebrated the anniversary this Wednesday in the presence of the Cuban ambassador to this country, Ángel Arzuaga, and representatives of the Cuban state mission.

The training of young people in the specialties of IT, Food Industry, Marketing and Accounting is the main reason for the school, its director Cristina Arias told Prensa Latina, who specified that, upon graduation, the boys are qualified to start their lives, work or pursue higher education.

With songs, dances and poetry the students remembered the legendary Máximo Gómez, and together with the group and friends of Cuba they placed a wreath in his honor.

On the occasion, Arias thanked the Cuban people for realizing the dream of the Generalissimo, who in his Campaign Diary expressed the desire to build in his birthplace an educational center for the training of the young people of the time.

On his side, the Cuban ambassador, Ángel Arzuaga, maintained that, for Cubans, Máximo Gómez, the people of Baní and the Dominican Republic have a very special meaning.

He indicated that Baní gave the island one of the most illustrious men in America, who became general in chief of the Cuban Liberation Army. He specified that his countrymen, who suffer a strict economic blockade by the United States for more than six decades, remain firm in the defense of their freedom and in the construction of a socialist and sovereign homeland.

He pointed out that despite the limitations imposed by Washington’s hostile policy, Cuba maintains its spirit of solidarity and has never stopped helping other peoples; that, he pointed out, he learned from Gómez and other internationalist heroes who fought for the independence of our nation.

During the visit to the center, the diplomat toured an exhibition prepared by the students with food made by them, such as cheeses and sweets; and he exchanged about computer applications and solutions, and accounting, learned by the students in three years of study in the institution’s own workshops.
