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French right presses to eliminate land rights

Paris, Feb 12 (Prensa Latina) Leaders of the French right and extreme right advocated today to generalize the suppression of land rights, following the announcement by Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin to seek its end in Mayotte.

Body: The day before, Darmanin indicated during his visit to the overseas department, located in the Mozambique channel, the government’s intention to eliminate access to French nationality there for the children of foreigners who are born in French territory, a measure intended to confront the insecurity and the migratory crisis, reviving an old claim by conservatives and nationalists.

“Why, if it is possible in Mayotte, would it not be possible in the entire country,” questioned the president of the National Group (extreme right), Jordan Bardella, on the Franceinfo network.

The MEP considered that the government decision “is a good start” and recalled that the party founded by Marine Le Pen has been demanding it for two decades.

Also the main leader of the conservative political force The Republicans (LR), Éric Ciotti, asked on social networks for the right to land to be suppressed throughout France.

LR managed with its majority in the Senate to impose restrictions on this right in the immigration law, despite the government’s disagreement and criticism from the left.

Last month, the Constitutional Council censored several articles of the norm, a ruling that included the full restitution of the right to land, which sparked questions from the right.
