In that decade, the number of deaths from the disease increased from 19 to 1,094, representing an increase of 5,657%.
Sao Paulo (2,132 deaths), Goiás (1,186), Minas Gerais (1,179) and Rio de Janeiro (796) are the states with the highest number of lives lost.
Since last year, Brazil has been facing a growth in the number of dengue cases. Only in the first four weeks of the current year, 243,720 probable cases were notified, surpassing the total number of suspicions registered in 2017 (239,389).
The figure corresponds to a raise of 273% compared to the same period in 2023.
According to the latest epidemiological report released, 24 deaths were confirmed and 163 are under investigation.
Among the federal states with the highest incidence rates are the Federal District (DF), with 1,108 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, Minas Gerais (384 per 100,000), Acre (357 per 100,000) and Paraná (264 per 100,000).
With the increase in cases, at least five federal states have already declared a public health emergency: DF, Acre, Minas Gerais, Goiás and Rio.