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Arab League celebrates ICJ ruling against Israel

Cairo, Jan 27 (Prensa Latina) The Secretary General of the Arab League, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, highlighted the importance of the ruling of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) giving the green light to investigate Israeli crimes in the occupied territories.

“The preliminary verdict represents a victory for human values and a resolution of the controversy over the flagrant violation of international law and international humanitarian law that the Gaza war represents,” the official said in a statement.

Aboul Gheit stressed the need to implement the decisions contained in the verdict fully and immediately.

The preliminary ruling opens the way for intense diplomatic and legal work at the Arab and international level, in order to stop the barbaric Israeli war against the Strip, he indicated, and warned that “the emergency measures imposed by the Court on Israel with the goal of preventing genocide in Gaza represents strict obligations for the occupying power.”

However, he expressed regret over the fact that the ICJ did not order a complete and immediate cessation of the conflict.

The Arab Parliament also welcomed the decision of the International Court of Justice. However, it asked how can possibly the temporary measures be applied without stopping the aggression against the Gaza Strip.
