Monday, September 16, 2024
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Cuban Night gives prestige to Jazz Festival in Panama

Panama City, Jan 17 (Prensa Latina) The Cuban Night with violinist and singer Tammy Lopez and Calixto Oviedo's band, gave prestige to the 21st edition of the Jazz Festival in Panama, dedicated to drummer Billy Cobham, its organizers assured today.

Founder and director of these events, Danilo Perez, said that the second day and the sold-out audience in the concert hall of the Ateneo Theater, in the City of Knowledge, was an expression of the fans’ preference for the way of making music of these guest performers from the Antillean nation.

Lopez told Prensa Latina that she was grateful for participating in these presentations, in which, together with the band Son del Canal, she premiered songs from her latest album in preparation.

The composer also added that she appreciates the work of Danilo Perez and his team, contributing and impacting the country in a positive way.

The ‘Cubana de pura cepa’ was accompanied on stage by Billy Herron on guitar; Eric Blanquicet on percussion; Tatiana Rios on vocals and backing vocals; Daniel Jimenez on drums, Williams Callender on bass and Samuel Barrios on keyboards, the latter musicians in training at the Danilo Perez Foundation.

The Panama Jazz Festival closes with a free concert at the City of Knowledge next Saturday.
