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Israel mired in failure, says Lebanon’s Hizbullah leader

Beirut, Jan 14 (Prensa Latina) Israel is mired in failure and did not achieve even an image of victory in its persistent aggression against Gaza, the leader of the Lebanese Resistance (Hizbullah), Hassan Nasrallah, said today.

Body: During the tribute on the seventh day of the assassination of the martyred Commander Wissam Hassan Al-Tawil (Hajj Jawad), Nasrallah emphasized that Tel Aviv did not achieve its declared objectives and continues the war to achieve “some achievement” before moving to the third phase in which it will redeploy its forces.

The top figure of the Lebanese Resistance stressed that the losses of the Zionist entity increase its confusion, “the latest of which is the revelation of four thousand disabled wounded in the ranks of its army in the course of one hundred days, and the possibility of increase to 30 thousand”.

When the war ends, Israel will face a catastrophe that hit the entity as a result of the resistance in Gaza and the fronts behind it, he stressed.

In this sense, the political and military leader of Hizbullah highlighted that the regime faces, in addition to human losses on the Gaza, West Bank and Lebanon fronts, economic losses and the cost of displaced people.

By the way, he called for cooperation to ensure the elements of firmness in this battle, “whose duration we still do not know.”

Nasrallah reiterated that 100 days later, Gaza stands firm with its people in a legendary way that “history has never witnessed.”

At this point, he pointed out that the Gaza resistance continues its response and its media has an important role in reporting on its heroism in exchange for Israeli censorship of what is happening.

During his speech, the Shiite leader added that the operations of the Yemeni Resistance in the Red Sea dealt a severe blow to the economy of the Israeli enemy, whose image was exposed to the world, as revealed at the Hague Court.

In this regard, he stated that South Africa’s claim for genocide against Israel based on conclusive evidence is unprecedented and confused the Netanyahu government.

“The occupying entity exhibits moral hypocrisy before the world by denying the genocidal war in Gaza,” he added.

In this line of message, he reaffirmed that the Americans and many Western countries worked for 100 days to silence, subjugate and frustrate the other resistance fronts.

Regarding this issue, Nasrallah considered that the threats and intimidation against Iraq, Lebanon, Yemen, Syria and Iran evidenced the effectiveness of the Resistance fronts.

At the beginning of his words, the Secretary General of Hizbullah described the martyr Hajj Jawad as one of the main field commanders on the southern front since last October 7.

Wissam Hassan Al-Tawil was killed this Monday in an Israeli drone attack on his car in the Dabsha area, Khirbet Selem, southern Lebanon.
