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Venezuela’s Parliament begins public consultation on draft law

Caracas, Jan 12 (Prensa Latina) The National Assembly of Venezuela will begin a public consultation on the Bill on Supervision, Regularization, Performance and Financing of Non-Governmental and Related Organizations.

The president of the Legislative Branch, Jorge Rodríguez, announced last Thursday that the initiative was approved back on January 24th, 2023. “I want to inform and order the honorable deputies to join the consultation process that begins next Friday (…), of the law already approved in the first discussion,” he stated.

The legislator referred to the Parliament’s duty to consult with Venezuelans and organizations involved about the scope of that law and the necessary elements, in order to promote a “fruitful second discussion.”

The first vice president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela, Diosdado Cabello, confirmed that the open, democratic and participatory public consultation, whose aim is for these organizations to justify the origin and destination of the resources, begins this Friday.

Cabello stated that the initiative seeks to review and monitor NGOs that receive funding and are unsupervised, and denounced that these organizations have been used to destabilize the country and are financed by imperialism and its allies to promote coups d’état, for which they recruit young people and then use them where it suits best.

The Bolivarian deputy considered its review essential because it constitutes a debt to the Venezuelan people.

He emphasized that these misnamed Non-Governmental Organizations do not depend on the Government of Venezuela, but do depend on the United States, because they are appendages of organizations that operate in the world to guarantee political control, and are not spontaneous or independent organizations. “The purpose of these Non-Governmental Organizations is not humanitarian or social, but rather to impose their democracy, as they interpret such democracy,” he stated.
