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CMA calls for change ahead of Canada’s health-care crisis

Ottawa, Jan 11 (Prensa Latina) The Canadian Medical Association (CMA) is calling on provinces and territories to rebuild the health-care system to provide more access for patients amid reports of overflowing emergency rooms across the country.

Both patients and health-care professionals are suffering under the current state of affairs, and that changes need to be made to overhaul the entire system, the organization said in a statement on Thursday.(opens in a new tab)

“Despite the tireless efforts of physicians, nurses and other health providers, testimonies from around the country illustrate that patients in some jurisdictions are waiting as long as 20 hours or longer to receive care,” Kathleen Ross, president of the CMA, wrote in the statement.

“Staff shortages and hospital overcrowding combined with poor access to high-quality team-based primary care are leaving hospital emergency departments woefully under-resourced for the avalanche of patients with influenza, COVID-19 or respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) at this time of year.”

Many hospitals are currently struggling with an influx of patients. In mid-December, a Kingston hospital announced it was “bursting at the seams(opens in a new tab)” with COVID-19 and RSV patients, operating at a 120 per cent occupancy rate. On Wednesday, B.C. hit a record(opens in a new tab) for its inpatient hospital population, with more than 10,000 patients.

“Our health system has collapsed,” Dr. Lisa Salamon, a Toronto-based ER physician, told CTV News Channel on Thursday. “It’s only getting worse.”

A potential solution is team-based primary care, which CMA suggests that parliamentarians bring up during the winter session in the context of a health-care overhaul.

Team-based primary care is a strategy that allows health-care professionals to work together in an interdisciplinary team, allowing them to focus on their specialties and refer patients to another expert in the team quickly depending on their medical needs.

A study published in 2022 found that patients receiving team-based primary care had lower rates of emergency department visits than patients receiving non-team-based care. A Manitoba panel included a shift to team-based models(opens in a new tab) as one of their recommendations in a December report on overhauling the health-care system.

Team-based care exists in a few places in Canada including Alberta, Ontario and Quebec, according to CMA, under different models and names, but it hasn’t been widely implemented.

CMA previously called for more team-based primary care in a report this summer, which recommended that governments establish care teams to cover 50 per cent of the Canadian population within the next five years, and 80 per cent within ten years.

“No one wants to spend 20 hours waiting for the care they or their loved ones need,” the Thursday statement reads.

“The Canadian Medical Association (CMA) believes it is well past time to transform and rebuild the health care system, including investing upstream in team-based primary care.”

The CMA noted that emergency departments run the risk of being treated as an alternative to primary care when patients don’t have that option—but the influx of patients being seen right now in emergency departments are ones who belong there, according to Salamon. She says the issue of emergency departments overflowing is caused by systemic issues beyond the lack of primary care.

“We have problems because patients are admitted to the hospital, we’re short on inpatient beds, and so what ends up happening is that the patients who are sick and require admission end up staying in the emergency department, often for days, and what that leads to is then patients in the hallways and longer waits,” she said. “And that really is the root cause when we’re talking about emergency overcrowding.”

Being short on hospital beds can mean a lack of physical beds due to occupancy, but also can mean there’s a lack of proper staff to manage those beds, so there’s not a quick solution.

She noted that 20-hour waits aren’t common in her experience, but that wait times are an increasing problem.

“The patients who come to the emergency departments that I work at often are being seen within two-and-a-half hours, obviously people who are much sicker are being seen right away. That being said, there are many hospitals … across the country where I’m hearing that patients are waiting four, five, six hours.”

Salamon added that those numbers track how long it takes for a patient to see a physician after seeing a triage nurse.

From the emergency department perspective, the issue boils down to a lack of long-term care beds and a lack of home care, Salamon said, which causes patients to stay longer in hospital than they should.

When asked for comment, a spokesperson for the Minister of Health told that Ontario has some of the shortest wait times in Canada and added more than 17,000 new nurses and 2,400 new physicians to the workforce “while investing an additional $44 million this year (23/24) to reduce emergency department wait times through local, innovative solutions.”
