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Lebanon’s Hizbullah bombs Israeli positions

Beirut, Jan 8 (Prensa Latina) The Lebanese Resistance (Hizbullah) today launched missiles against Israeli positions along the southern border, in reaffirmation of its response to Zionist crimes and in solidarity with Gaza.

Two attacks were carried out by Hizbullah fighters with Burkan rockets at the Ruwaisat Al-Alam site in the occupied Shebaa farms, the movement specified in a statement.

In this sense, the Resistance carried out actions aimed at the points of Hadab Al-Bustan and Jal Al-Allam; in addition to attacking a meeting of Israeli soldiers in Shetula.

According to reports, Hizbullah operations caused deaths and injuries in the ranks of the Tel Aviv army, as well as material damage.

The Resistance also mourned the death of commander Wissam Hasan Al-Tawil from the southern village of Kherbet Selem, the victim of an Israeli drone attack on his car in the town of al-Dabsha.

Following the operation against the Meron air base on Mount Jarmaq, on Israel’s highest peak to the north, concerns of war increased in Benjamin Netanyahu’s cabinet due to recognition of Hizbullah’s military arsenal.

In this regard, the Hebrew newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth indicated that in the event of a major conflict in the north, Israeli soldiers would be evacuated by helicopter to hospitals in the central part of the entity.

At this point, the media considered that the hospital centers bordering Lebanon will not be able to house a large number of uniformed personnel injured in the fighting with Hizbullah.
