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UN Undersecretary for Peace Operations tours Middle East

United Nations, Jan 6 (Prensa Latina) The UN Undersecretary of Peace Operations, Jean-Pierre Lacroix, begins today a tour of Damascus, Beirut and Jerusalem in the face of alerts over the risks of expansion of the conflict in Gaza.

The high representative will meet with members of the three UN peacekeeping missions in the Middle East, an area in turmoil while the living conditions of civilians in the Strip of Gaza are worsening and hostilities are spreading to the neighboring borders.

According to the planned agenda, Lacroix will arrive in Syria this Saturday to meet with the leaders and members of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force, Fnous, for its acronym in English.

He also plans to meet with senior government officials in Damascus.

On January 9, he will arrive in Beirut, Lebanon’s capital, to meet with Acting Prime Minister Najib Mikati, Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri and other officials.

Then he will head to Naqoura, in southern Lebanon, to meet with the Lebanese Armed Forces as well as the leadership and UN troops there.

As a final stop, the undersecretary will visit the UN Truce Supervision Organization headquarters in Jerusalem and meet with Israeli military and government officials.

Although this itinerary takes place regularly, on this occasion it is taking place during an extraordinarily difficult time, Stephanie Tremblay, deputy spokesperson for Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, said during the announcement.

The tour’s priority includes expressing solidarity and support for peacekeepers, troop-contributing countries and other partners, as well as the communities we serve, Stephanie Tremblay added.
