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Xenophobia cases scale up in Ecuador

Quito, Dec 9 (Prensa Latina) Acts of xenophobia on Venezuelan citizens are being reported in Ecuador, mainly in the municipality of Pelileo, in the Andean province of Tungurahua, where Venezuelans are being rejected and evicted from their homes.

The digital portal Primicias reported on Saturday some stories told by some Venezuelans who decided to go back to their country of origin after being discriminated against.

On Tuesday, the Federation of Peasant Councils took to the streets and gave 72 hours for all homeowners to evict Venezuelans. Many of them started off by complying with this “order”. The protest came in response to clashes between Venezuelans and local police, in which second sergeant Wilson Ortiz died and one of criminals also died; four others are in preventive custody.

After the events, local Mayor Gabriel Zúñiga said that they would respect the rights of people who work and justify their residence.

However, local press reported of at least 300 Venezuelans who have left because they do not want to be mistreated.

The provincial delegate of the Ombudsman’s Office, Juan José Simon, assured that the those cases linked to alleged violation of rights are under investigation.

Meanwhile, María Augusta Llerena, member of the Pelileo Rights Protection Council, mentioned that they are talking with the Ombudsman’s Office to act in accordance with the cases of violence in the evictions that are presented and to issue protection measures, reported the newspaper Extra.
