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Survey indicates tight electoral challenge in Uruguay

Montevideo, Dec 7 (Prensa Latina) At the end of November, voting intentions by parties, position the Frente Amplio (FA) with 42%, according to data released from the latest Factum National Poll.

The poll shows the ruling National Party with 26%, the Colorado Party with nine percent, Cabildo Abierto with seven percent, the Independent Party with three percent and other political formations with five percent.

The sum of the results achieved in the survey by the parties that forms the current government coalition adds up to 45%, which indicates a strong bid for the presidential and legislative elections of October 2024.

The so-called Republican coalition closes at its lowest point since October 2021, according to Factum data.

The source indicates that the voting intention for Frente Amplio stood at 39% from the end of 2021 to the second quarter of 2022.

As of October 2022 it rose to 41%, a figure that was reinforced throughout 2023. At year-end it peaked at 42%.

Other pollsters put the FA ahead in the total, although all agree that at this point the race for the presidency of the Republic will be tight. In the last elections in 2019, President Luis Lacalle Pou, supported by the coalition, won in the second round, after losing the first round to the frenteamplista candidate, Daniel Martinez.
