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MEP denounces Israel’s attacks against journalists in Gaza

Brussels, Dec 7 (Prensa Latina) Spanish MEP Manu Pineda today denounced Israel for its crimes in the Palestinian Gaza Strip, in particular for its attacks on journalists, doctors and UN workers on the ground.

Groups that should be protected have become a target for Israel, stressed the communist leader, who said he will urge the European Commission to react to such violations.

The Izquierda Unida member will ask the Commission in writing about the measures that could be adopted to protect press professionals and freedom of expression in the face of what is happening in Gaza, a densely populated enclave subjected to two months of indiscriminate bombing in retaliation for the Hamas incursion of October 7.

Yesterday, Pineda met with the president of the Palestinian Journalists Union, Abu Baker, and the secretary general of the International Federation of Journalists, Antonhy Bellanger, in a meeting in which they demanded that the European Union take a position of solidarity in the face of the murders of reporters and demand that Tel Aviv stop attacking them.

According to data provided during the meeting, in the last two months 65 Palestinian and three Lebanese journalists have been killed, while 140 have been wounded.

The Spanish MEP, chairman of the Delegation for Relations with Palestine in the European Parliament, accused Israel of intentionally and selectively targeting people protected by international humanitarian law.

The Israeli regime does not want witnesses of its crimes and with them it intends to prevent people from seeing and talking about the massacre in Gaza, acts that cannot go unpunished’, he said.

Pineda warned that the atrocities are not only taking place in the devastated Strip, but also in the West Bank and Jerusalem, occupied territories, with more than 16,000 fatalities.
