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Gibara Film Festival scheduled for August 2024

Havana, 6 Dec. (Prensa Latina) The Ministry of Culture, the Cuban Institute of Cinematographic Art and Industry (Icaic) and the Government of Holguín will convene the 18th Gibara International Film Festival, from August 6 to 10, 2024.

The festival will be in the municipality of Gibara, in the east of Holguín, in the city with its name, and will be able to carry materials of any nationality, presented in its original language and with legends in Spanish, whose conclusion date is from 2022 to date or present, as published by Cubacine.

It will be included in the categories of long-length fiction, short-length fiction, long-length documentary, short-length documentary, animation and experimental audiovisual.

The jury of each film will be composed by personalities of national and international fame in cinema, audiovisual and arts, and the decision of the jury will be final.

The works will compete with the main prizes in each of the categories, called the Lucía Prizes; this is how to obtain other awards and collateral mentions.

The deadline for admission of works will be on January 15, 2024, with activation on the day of a registration page in the event site:

The registration of works must be closed by April 15, 2024.
