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Colombia’s official return to UNASUR

Bogota, Dec 6 (Prensa Latina) Colombia made official its return to the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) after almost five years of absence, a decision that responds to the country's commitment to regional unity, the Foreign Ministry informed in a statement.

According to the institution, the return to the organization that emerged in 2008 also follows the call of President Gustavo Petro to strengthen collaborative ties in South America.

At the first meeting of the Council of Delegates, which took place the day before, Colombia reassured its willingness in this new stage of active participation in the regional integration process, the text stressed, noting that during the meeting, the countries exchanged views on the future path within the framework of the mechanism.

The return of this nation, it added, represents a milestone in its regional integration policy by advocating for the reactivation of the bloc and demonstrates the country’s willingness to work hand in hand with other member states to address the challenges and opportunities shared in the area.

Petro announced his country’s reentry into the organization on May 30, in the context of the summit of South American presidents held in Brazil at the call of leader Luis Inácio Lula da Silva, where several participants supported the initiative to revitalize the bloc.
