Saturday, September 07, 2024
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Chilean Communist Party asks to exclude Cuba from the terrorist list

Santiago de Chile, Dec 6 (Prensa Latina) The president of the Communist Party of Chile (PCCh), Lautaro Carmona, condemned the blockade that the United States maintains today against Cuba and demanded to exclude the Caribbean country from the list of alleged sponsors of terrorism.

Carmona and members of the Political and International Relations Commission of the CCP received at the headquarters of the organization the delegation of the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP) visiting Chile.

The criminal siege imposed for more than 60 years and the inclusion of Cuba in the list of promoters of terrorism reveals the liquidation policy of the United States against that people, just as Israel does against Palestine, declared the president of the party.

The political leader valued the position adopted by the Chilean president, Gabriel Boric, who asked the U.S. president, Joe Biden, to lift the sanctions against Cuba and exclude it from that list.

In turn, the first vice-president of ICAP, Noemí Rabaza, ratified the relationship of membership and commitment between the Communist Party of Chile and the Cuban Revolution.

She informed that the members of the CCP were updated on the situation of their country and the US policy of maximum pressure exerted with the tightening of the blockade and the application of extraterritorial measures.

The ICAP delegation, also made up of Lily Zamora, director for Latin America and the Caribbean, is carrying out a broad agenda that includes meetings with the solidarity movement, parliamentarians, trade unionists, graduates of the Latin American School of Medicine and social organizations.
