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South African party accuses mining company of security lapse

Pretoria, Dec 4 (Prensa Latina) The South African Communist Party (SACP) accused the Impala Platinum Mine of failing to implement safety measures that killed 12 people in an accident.

SACP General Secretary Solly Mapaila said “the capitalist mining bosses” are responsible for the workers’ deaths and injuries.

In addition to the 12 workers who died at the Impala Platinum accident near Rustenburg, 75 others are suffering the physical and emotional scars of a disaster that could have been prevented,” he added.

On November 27, an estimated 12 miners were killed, and 75 others were injured at an Impala Platinum accident near Rustenburg, South Africa. The company reported that the cause of the accident was due to the failure of a cable connected to the 35-person conveyor that lifts employees up and down the shaft.
