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Call in El Salvador for an end to Israeli occupation of Palestine

San Salvador, Dec 4 (Prensa Latina) It is impossible to talk about democracy and humanitarian values in the world, as long as the Israeli occupation of Palestine continues, the Salvadoran Palestinian Association denounced.

In a statement on the occasion of the beginning of Christmas festivities, it highlighted the rich history, culture, gastronomy, handicrafts, literature and music of that territory, victim of the genocide of the Zionist regime of Israel, but “despite the challenges and conflicts over the years, Palestine will endure,” it said.

The day before during an address by Rawan Ijha de Miguel, Cultural Director of the Salvadoran Palestinian Association, he denounced the Zionist attempts to make historical Palestine disappear.

There is no right, she added, that supports violence, brutal attacks against a people who resist leaving their home and their land.

The document highlighted that 45 days after more than 20 thousand Palestinian souls died before the eyes of the world without any condemnation and arrest of this barbarity.

Our conflict was never religious and whoever tries to turn the conflict into a religious issue, we call him a Zionist. The conflict between the Israeli occupation and Palestine is mainly political, territorial and economic, the statement pointed out.

It is important, it stressed, to maintain an active humanitarian conscience and to resist the media manipulation that sometimes distorts reality.
