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Palestinian resistance responds to Israeli aggression in Gaza

Ramallah, Dec 1 (Prensa Latina) The Palestinian Resistance responded to Israeli aggression on several directions in the Gaza Strip after the end of the humanitarian truce.

In the area of Shalihat, west of Gaza, Martyr Omar Al-Qasem forces attacked Israeli troops with mortar shells after infiltrating the region. According to local media, Palestinian fighters clashed with Israeli forces in the Twam area, northwest of the Strip.

The pan-Arab channel Al Mayadeen reported the resistance counterattack in the axes of Tal al-Hawa, to the southwest of the city, and Beit Hanoun, north of Gaza. Clashes also occurred to the northwest at Sheikh Radwan and at al-Maghraqa, and an Israeli unit stationed at an outpost near Natsarim on the Salah al-Din road was also attacked.

The Al-Quds brigades, military wing of the Islamic Jihad movement, confirmed they are carrying out operations in occupied cities and towns in response to Zionist crimes against Palestinians.

The Martyr Abu Ali Mustafa group launched a barrage of rockets against Sderot and Kfar Azza in response to the brutality of the Israeli occupation.

On the other hand, Israeli media outlets reported that missile launches from Gaza are gradually expanding towards central Israel. A correspondent for the Israeli Channel 13 commented that rocket launches are estimated to increase, and therefore all settlers should be careful and stay close to fortified positions.

“It seems that Hamas will not collapse and the Israeli army is not capable of achieving all the objectives of the war”, the Hebrew newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth acknowledged.
