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name of Prensa Latina



Ashes of Italian expeditionary of Granma yacht to be taken to Cuba (+Photo)

Rome, Nov 25 (Prensa Latina) A delegation from the Italian-Cuba Friendship Association (ANAIC), led by its President, Marco Papacci, will travel to Cuba to take the ashes of partisan Gino Doné, the only Granma yacht expedition member from Europe, a spokesperson said on Friday.

Papacci told Prensa Latina that he would fulfill Doné’s last wish that his remains be buried in Cuba.

The ashes of the Italian expedition member are expected to be placed in the Pantheon to the Fighters of the Cuban Revolution at Havana’s Colón Cemetery on December 2, on the occasion of the 67th anniversary of the landing of the Granma yacht, he said.

The Italian delegation will also consist of former ANAIC President Irma Dioli, other directors of the group, including Marco Fantechi and Alma Masé, and Gino Done’s great-grandson, Ivan Cadamuro.

Other members of the group will be former Senators Vito Petroccelli, from the Five-Star Movement and president of the Italy-Bricks Institute; Emanuele Dessi, from the Communist Party and head of the Association for the New International Order; and Mattia Crucioli, from the Alternative Party and leader of the Association United for the Constitution.

Doné was born in Monastier on May 18, 1924, and died in San Dona di Piave municipality in Venice on March 22, 2008. He fought as a partisan against Nazi fascism during World War II and moved to Cuba in the 1950s, where he joined the revolutionary struggle.
