With headquarters at the University of Matanzas (UM), since its beginning last 21st to date, Matecompu 2023 has made possible the socialization of scientific results and experiences on good practices applied in the educational system.
According to Raydel Valladares Rodríguez, head of the events group at the academy, the main activities carried out during the event included conferences given by researchers and experts, posters, workshops, panels, round tables and short courses, as well as the presentation of specialized publications.
Addressing experiences in the use of digital environments, Ethnomathematics, History of Mathematics and resources to renew the teaching process, the social function of these disciplines and their contribution to the processes of obtaining and introducing results that relate science, technology, society and the environment were the focus of the exchange sessions.
The closing of the event included the development of the Workshop: memories of an event: space for professional growth by academician Bernardino Almeida, after which a tour of the foundational square of the city of San Carlos and San Severino of Matanzas took place.
With a total of 46 works, 10 of them corresponding to foreign delegations including Mexico, Colombia and Panama, Matecompu 2023 promoted the search for initiatives that allow to teach and learn about the disciplines it disseminates and their use in everyday life.