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US held responsible for Israeli crimes in Gaza hospital

Ramallah, Nov 15 (Prensa Latina) The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine held the United States government responsible for the war crimes committed by Israel at the Al-Shifa hospital, the largest in the Gaza Strip.

The political force issued a statement denouncing the brutal bombings and shootings directed against thousands of displaced civilians, disrupting patients’ rooms and wards, and terrorizing medical personnel.

According to the Al Mayadeen pan-Arab channel, hundreds of Israeli soldiers surrounded and stormed the Al-Shifa hospital. The soldiers stormed the complex, handcuffed a large number of doctors and displaced people, and told them to leave via a safe path, which they attacked afterwards, the outlet stated.

It also reported that Israeli troops opened fire inside the complex despite knowing of the presence of nine thousand wounded, displaced, and medical personnel.

According to the Front, Tel Aviv openly seeks to obtain a false image of victory from inside a civilian hospital and endangers the lives of hundreds of premature babies.

It emphasized that the Western world, due to being aligned and in compliance in these crimes, cannot embellish nor repair its genocidal image, and reaffirmed that Palestinians are determined to resist and remain steadfast in the face of Israel’s unprecedented attacks on hospitals, and will not raise the white flag.

“Our doctors, patients and the entire people will remain strong, without being intimidated, and will not forgive or forget the complicity of the international community that has turned a blind eye to the attacks against hospitals and the medical system,” it stressed.

The Islamic Jihad movement blamed Washington for being an accomplice in the crimes committed by Tel Aviv by storming the Al-Shifa hospital, and pointed out that “the Israeli military cannot achieve any objective in Gaza, so they use force against civilians and patients.”
