Monday, September 16, 2024
name of Prensa Latina
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name of Prensa Latina



Globalization and development meeting held in Argentina

Buenos Aires, Nov 15 (Prensa Latina) Economists, researchers and analysts will participate in the International Meeting on Globalization and Development Problems to be held at the Cuban embassy in Argentina.

The event was organized by the embassy, the National University of José C. Paz (UNPAZ), the Scientific Research Commission, and the Latin American Council of Social Sciences.

The meeting will allow the deepening into details of the challenges and alternatives for underdeveloped economies, the ways of international insertion to overcome the risks posed by external debt, the international financial system, the speculation of vulture funds, and the effects of interference in the region.

Its celebration coincides with that of the 14th Meeting of Economists in Cuba.

According to the program, the exchanges will be carried out around two fundamental themes: economic growth and debt and development financing.

Cuban ambassador Pedro Pablo Prada, the rector of UNPAZ, Darío Kusinsky, members of other universities, the National Scientific and Technical Research Council and the Argentine Institute for Economic Development, among other institutions, will participate in the event.

There will be presentations on financial capital, concentration, and other limits to development, Argentina’s debt with the International Monetary Fund, the failure of globalization in peripheral countries, and the opportunities and challenges of Argentina’s entry into the BRICS group.
