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Cuban General Prosecutor concludes visit to Russia

Moscow, Nov 15 (Prensa Latina) A delegation headed by Cuba's general attorney , Yamila Peña, ended a successful visit to Russia, the ambassador of the Caribbean nation, Julio Garmendía, told Prensa Latina.

During her stay Peña held a fruitful meeting with her counterpart from the Russian Federation, Igor Krasnov, in which both were accompanied by representatives of the entities they head in their respective countries, the diplomat added.

At the end of the dialogue, Peña and Krasnov signed an additional cooperation protocol that strengthened the already existing cooperation ties. The Cuban delegation also visited the university of Russia’s General Prosecutor’s Office, where it was received by the rector, Igor Matskevich, who was accompanied by part of the institution’s management and professors.

At the center of high studies, the head of the Cuban institution gave a lecture on “The General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Cuba in the process of improving the Cuban legal model”.

In her speech, she referred to the process of updating the economic and social model being carried out in Cuba, as part of the upgrading of its socialist system, marked by the economic, commercial and financial blockade, imposed by the United States against the Caribbean nation.

She also spoke about the process of the legal order in her country, after the approval, in 2019, of a new Constitution, which aims to establish a harmonious balance of measures to safeguard the defense and security of the people and protect socialist laws.

At the end of the stay in Russia, the delegation of the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Cuba will also visit Vietnam.
