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President-elect of Ecuador to participate in Security Cabinet meeting

Quito, Nov 14 (Prensa Latina) The president of Ecuador, Guillermo Lasso, will receive president-elect Daniel Noboa for a meeting of the State and Public Security Council (COSEPE), one of the most anticipated in the transition.

The current members of COSEPE and Noboa’s ministers for the security sphere are expected to participate in the meeting; however, at this point, it is unknown who will be in charge of that department in the new administration.

The Secretary of Public and State Security, Wagner Bravo, explained to the Primicias website that Noboa will receive a general report from the national intelligence system that is reserved for and only known to the members of the Council.

The document will provide Noboa with an analysis of the political, economic and structural panorama of the country carried out by Intelligence, in addition to informing him of the current situation on crime, organized crime, and risk management.

Minister of the Interior Juan Zapata declared in a press conference that three fundamental issues will be addressed in this Tuesday’s meeting, among them the increase of insecurity with the presence of organized crime groups, the situation of the prison system, and other topics.

The general commander of the National Police, César Zapata, stated that they would propose to the legislature, reforms to various regulations, including the penal code, to adapt them to the new reality.

As a campaign proposal to advance the solution to the problem, Noboa assures that he will promote the so-called Phoenix Plan, which includes the generation of employment and study options for young people, as well as the creation of an Intelligence Center.
