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Venezuelan companies with varied proposals at Havana Fair

Havana, Nov 10 (Prensa Latina) The brands Doña Nora and El Faro are included today among the varied proposals brought by Venezuela to the 39th Havana International Fair (Fihav 2023), in which fifty companies from the South American country are participating.

The first of these, belonging to the Valenjes Group, is a line of products such as wheat flour, pasta, 100 percent pure coffee, yeast and cocoa, the latter used as raw material by the Cuban chocolate company Stella.

Cereals, jams and sweeteners in different formats are added to these offers, because the company, which already has a track record in the Caribbean nation in the marketing of raw materials, is now also focusing on finished products, as Charbel Lahoud, a sales representative of the aforementioned group, told Prensa Latina.

We are launching these products now to the market under the brand Doña Nora, we want to continue growing and expanding, to bring a quality offer at a good price, so that people recognize us, he said.

Along with established customers such as those related to the tourism sector, Doña Nora has found a large market in micro, small and medium-sized enterprises on the island, as part of its purpose of ‘opening up more, so that they know us, in order to expand our network’.

For Eduardo Nuñez, also Venezuelan, president of the canned food company La Perla del Sur, Cuba is an extraordinary opportunity to place the offers of one of his brands, El Faro, focused on seafood products.

The businessman was very pleased to attend for the first time Fihav, Cuba’s main trade fair, which was inaugurated last Monday and ends tomorrow at the Expocuba venue, because he considers it an ideal space to showcase quality proposals at a good price.

He highlighted the possibility he has had in the context of the event to dialogue with potential clients, not only Cuban, but also from other nations participating in the event, such as Russia.
