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Iranian ambassador to Ecuador says US aids Israel attacks on Gaza

Quito, Nov 10 (Prensa Latina) Iran's ambassador to Ecuador, Ahmad Pabarja, stated today that Israel's attacks on Palestine will stop when the United States and its allies stop supporting the Tel Aviv regime.

In an interview with Prensa Latina in Quito, the diplomat pointed out this element is key to stopping the current crisis, although he warned he does not consider it a permanent solution because Israelis will not lose the occupied territories through negotiations.

Iran presented a proposal for a peaceful solution four or five years ago at the UN, according to which a referendum should be held among all those who currently live in the area, Jews, Muslims, Christians, they are the ones who must decide, Pabarja said. Faced with accusations that his country could be involved in the conflict, he stressed that unlike Israel, Iran respects international laws.

“My country has not attacked other countries, it has not killed innocent people, it has not bombed other States,” the ambassador emphasized.

However, he warned that Iran is not going to start a war against any nation, “but if we are attacked, it is logical that we will defend ourselves very strongly.”

In his dialogue with this agency, Pabarja described the attacks against inhabitants of the Gaza Strip as genocide and a crime against humanity, for which he suggested that the prime minister and other Zionist military authorities be tried and punished by the International Criminal Court.

More than 10 thousand people have been killed, 27 thousand injured, two thousand missing, Israel’s objective is to carry out ethnic cleansing, to force the migration of the Palestinian people to occupy their lands, he lamented with indignation.

He added that the Hamas military operation, carried out on October 7, was an action one hundred percent designed and executed by Palestinians, but he noted “we must not be mistaken, this war began 75 years ago.”

Regarding the wave of international solidarity against the massacre in Gaza, many Iranians have also joined, he pointed out that in the face of the murder of innocent people and the bombing of hospitals, mosques, churches, schools, global opposition to the Israeli regime is natural.
