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Cuba works in the use of technologies for all persons

Matanzas, Cuba, Nov 8 (Prensa Latina) Cuba is working on the use of technologies for all people without social, gender or disability distinctions, it was announced today during the second session of the opening session of América Accesible.

With the theme Digital transformation and accessibility in their environments: digital inclusion for the improvement of the social welfare of all, specialists in the fields of communication, labor and social security in Cuba exchanged with those present at the event held at the Meliá Internacional Hotel in Varadero.

According to the director of Social Prevention of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security of Cuba, Belkis Delgado, the country works in the protection of services in all areas of society, such as education, health, sports, culture, transportation, among other vital aspects for the development of capabilities of every human being.

In Cuba, Agreement 9040 of March 2020 establishes guidelines for the treatment of people in vulnerable situations through 16 policy principles, 17 tasks and five main topics aimed at fostering the potential of such people and eliminating barriers in physical and digital environments.

The vice-president of the Union of Informatics, María Esther Alfonso assured that there is an activism from the civil society with presence in all the provinces of Cuba with professionals who help in the orientation and adequate use of the new information technologies. The deputy director of Joven Cuba de Computación y Electrónica de Cuba Maidelis Pupo reported that technological education is carried out in the country with emphasis on elderly, women and girls and in rural areas with projects such as Joven Club Móvil Ecológico (Young Ecological Mobile Club).

With 150 participants and delegations from nations such as Venezuela, the United States, Chile, Brazil, Switzerland, China, Bolivia and the Dominican Republic, América Accesible 2023 commemorates the 10th anniversary of the platform, which focuses its actions on inclusiveness in the use of technologies.
