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Family Medicine Congress winds up in Cuba

Havana, Nov 3 (Prensa Latina) Domestic violence, cognitive deterioration, and the frailty syndrome in older adults are in debate during the 3rd National Congress of Family Medicine, which winds up in this capital on Friday.

Other issues, including the biological, psychological, and social determinants of old age, caregivers of older adults, memory disorders, and the impact of this medical specialty on demographic aging, are also analyzed at the Havana-based Conference Center.

In the context of the Congress inaugurated on Wednesday, Yilian María Pérez, a specialist in Comprehensive General Medicine, emphasized that family medicine is of vital importance in Cuba, where the individual, his family, and the community are cared for, thus guaranteeing the health of the population.

This Medical Sciences’ section can be considered a Cuba’s achievement thanks to a multifactorial and multisectoral system enriched by large health programs and several levels of care that include promotion, prevention, cure, and rehabilitation.

The immunization of almost 100 percent of the population against several diseases, including the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes Covid-19, is among the successes, Pérez told Prensa Latina.

The five-year experience doctor said that the great challenge now is to follow up the family medicine program, integrate new doctors and nurses, and always attend the individuals as psychosocial beings.
